The skin mirrors everything that is going on inside. Therefore, when your body lacks adequate nutritional intake, it shows on your skin. Of course, the best solution will always be to adjust your diet and check for any underlying causes of the nutritional deficit. However, skin supplements can come in handy when you have already checked everything.
A small introduction to skin supplements
Before discussing some supplements, it makes sense to understand how they work and how they can benefit you. Taking skin supplements is not for everyone, but some people will reap great benefits from them.
Why do you need skin supplements?
Let’s start by stating that no one needs supplements (skin or otherwise). They are a sometimes nice-to-have complement to your diet to address specific needs. However, adjusting your diet would usually cover the same needs. On the other hand, not everyone can easily change their diets to meet all their nutritional needs. Sometimes there’s a food restriction that cannot be overlooked, either due to how your body works, your tastes, or even personal beliefs. When these supplements will clearly benefit you, they are a huge help.
How do skin supplements improve the skin?
As we’ve mentioned, your skin shows everything that is going on inside. This means that if you have nutritional deficits, they will affect your skin. Moreover, it’s becoming clear that gut and skin health are intertwined. Therefore, keeping a healthy microbiome is essential, and sometimes pro- and prebiotics will improve your skin wellbeing. Lastly, there is also another way to improve the skin, and that is by providing the much-needed blocks to build skin structures and ensure they are built properly.
What are the issues with skin supplements?
The most relevant question when considering taking skin supplements is the scientific evidence behind them. Current regulations do not allow brands to make medical claims on their supplements–“this supplement cures acne”, for example, would be a medical claim. This leaves supplements limited to less dramatic claims, such as “helps with sebum production” or “contributes to healthy skin”, which don’t require scientific proof.
So, does it mean that brands in the supplement industry are just saying things, without doing any clinical trials? Fortunately, no. Many companies actually wish to bring out effective products, so they still do clinical trials, even if they are not legally required to do so.
However, not all clinical trials have the same degree of authority. A clinical trial for a skin supplement should include a large sample of different people, make half take a placebo and the other half take the supplement, and keep track of the participants’ diets. This is because any change in diet can influence the results of the supplement, both positively and negatively. Imagine a participant in the trial decides to start eating a plant-based diet when before they ate mostly junk food–that will improve their skin, a positive result which should not be attributed to the supplement. And what does that mean, “improving” the skin? Clinical trials for supplements should measure objective changes in the skin, not just ask people if they’re happy with the supplement.
Skin supplements that we love
There are some pretty interesting supplements out there, with several different ingredients and functions. Remember you should always check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking supplements.
Sun supplements
Some classic sun supplement ingredients are carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein. All of these are antioxidants that help reduce redness associated with sun exposure. Moreover, people tend to get extra tanned when taking these supplements with the same degree of exposure. In the last decades, however, a new compound became popular for very good reasons. Polypodium leucotomos is a fern that is incredibly resistant to sun damage. After studying it, scientists discovered that when used in supplements, they can help the skin with its natural defense mechanisms against sun radiation.
Moreover, when combined with vitamin D, these supplements can reduce polymorphic light eruption flares (a.k.a. sun allergies). Improving life quality in these situations is a great help for those who suffer from this skin issue. Although not dangerous, it still has some bothersome effects, such as severe itching and redness. If it greatly improves by just taking a supplement, it’s one of those we couldn’t agree more with.
Collagen supplements
The evidence for collagen supplements is not super strong, but it still exists. Scientists have already proven there are small improvements in several skin parameters when taking collagen supplements. Skin hydration goes up, elasticity improves, and the depth of wrinkles is slightly reduced. Although changes are small, in a double-blind study the level of satisfaction of those using the supplement was three times bigger than of those taking the placebo. Marine collagen seems to be the most effective one, however, there are also vegan options for those who need them.
Draining supplements
If you suffer from tired legs or fluid retention, these may be helpful. They usually contain botanical extracts with diuretic properties that help to drain excess water. Although these are skin supplements, you should always be supervised by a doctor, as they can also contribute to lowering your blood pressure–especially if you’re already on medication.
Antioxidant boosters
Looking for an antioxidant booster? Fruits and vegetables should always be your first option, but you can give it a boost when needed. Vitamin C is great, not only because it’s an antioxidant, but also because it promotes collagen synthesis–leading to more firmness and preventing wrinkles.
Skin supplements to help skin conditions
These supplements will never cure any skin disease, but they will help you manage them. There are several supplements for various skin issues, but we love a few of them. Whether it’s helping you improve your microbiome, soothe your skin or help with pigmentation disorders, it’s a great help for those who need it.
The variety of skin supplements available on the market is extremely vast–it can be overwhelming, but it also makes it more likely that you’ll find the right product for you. Explore all the options under sun supplements, skin supplements, and body supplements.

Pharmacy Technician & Beauty Writer