The age that our ID card shows is not always the one we appear to be. But age is just a number, right? Absolutely! But have you noticed that some people look older than others? Even if having the same exact age?
If we look at two identical twins, with the same genetics, we notice that throughout their lives they become more and more different. This is because each one is affected by different external agents. What is the reason for this to happen? Epigenetics answers you.
Epigenetics is the link between environment, lifestyle and how genes work. Lifestyle factors can have an impact on how your skin ages. That can be lack of exercise, stress, smoking, alcohol, or sun exposure. It reveals its influence on the way some genes are expressed or not and can enhance or disguise something that is already present in our DNA. So, does it change our DNA chain? Noup! It works like a switch, which can turn ON or OFF certain genes related to skin youth, shaping our appearance throughout our life.
All of this happens without changing our genetic information, but rather through a process called DNA methylation. When this process is exaggerated–and there is hypermethylation–it triggers the silencing of youth genes, for example, the ones related to firmness, elasticity, hydration, or skin evenness!
Fortunately, this is a reversible process, which means that these marks left on our DNA, because of an unhealthy lifestyle, can be removed. But have you thought about what would happen to skin aging if we could reverse the changes caused by epigenetics? Keeping youth genes active, reducing signs of aging…
What if we found a revolutionary cosmetic that could give a more youthful appearance?