If you’re part of the wet hair combers team, odds are that the world makes you feel like you’re committing a crime. Even though we know that combing dry hair may be the easier way to make sure you don’t damage it, we think that’s more to it. You may comb your hair wet and keep healthy, soft hair! Come with us to find out all about wet hair combing, and the accessories that help you with this endeavor. Get your favorite hair brush for wet hair and gently work all the tangles away!
Should you comb wet hair?
It depends! We should consider that when the hair is wet, it’s more elastic and fragile. But you may not want to wait until it’s dry, for a lot of reasons. First, you may have a hair texture that can’t be combed dry. Or you may want to hasten your blow dry—comb hair dries a lot faster than tangled hair. So, when combing wet hair, you should use a light hand as well as a brush that’s designed for combing wet hair. Keep in mind that your hair is more susceptible to breakage and damage when you comb it wet, but if you handle it carefully, using the best accessories, it can work!
What is a wet brush?
A wet brush is a hair tool that’s designed to comb wet hair while preventing pulling and breakage. And how does it work? A wet brush usually features extra bendy bristles that, unlike regular brushes, don’t rip the hair when it finds knots. Even though it’s called a wet brush, it doesn’t mean that you can only use it on wet hair. Since dry hair is stronger, there’s absolutely no harm in using a wet brush on dry hair; actually, all wet brushes are suitable both for wet and dry hair!
Is a wet brush better than a comb?
Again, it depends! Combs are often seen as a star accessory to detangle wet hair. However, if you have very long or knotted hair, you may feel like that’s not a practical tool. So, if you feel like the comb is just not working for you, go for the wet brush. There’s no need to be afraid of using a hair brush on wet hair, as long as it’s a wet hair brush!
How to brush wet hair?
We’re talking all about wet hair being more fragile and prone to breakage, so it’s time to provide you with some general guidelines on how to brush wet hair. Make sure to follow our tips when using a hair brush for wet hair:
- After washing your hair, apply conditioner and/or a detangling leave-in;
- Use a towel to massage the hair gently, and absorb excess water;
- Use your wet brush to comb your hair, starting from the ends;
- Make your way up to the roots, as you slowly untangle the knots.
If you have very thick or long hair, you may want to divide the hair into sections and work a section at a time.
Can I use a wet brush in the shower?
If you feel like using your hair brush for wet hair, there’s no reason to not use it in the shower. Our previous tips still stand, so you need to make sure that you work your hair gently. Before starting combing, it should help if you use a detangling conditioner like the René Furterer 5 Sens Enhancing Detangling Conditioner. Detangling conditioners as well as other detangling products are an excellent match for your wet hair brush! They make the brushing process easy and protect your hair from breakage.
How to clean a wet brush? And how often?
Daily hair combing leaves a trail of residue on your hair brush, from product build-up to actual hairs. If you don’t want to deposit it back on your hair when you brush it, your hair brush needs a cleansing routine as strict as your hair does! Let’s start by answering the easier question: how often do you need to clean your hair brush? A recommendation safe recommendation would be once a week, both for those who use leave-in products as well as for those who just brush the hair without adding any formulas. If you find that the brush is as good as clean after one week of use, you may adjust the interval to every two or three weeks.
As for how to do it, worry not, it’s easy and quick! You should start by soaking your brushes with warm water and a soft cleansing product (like baby shampoo, or a gentle shower gel). Then, you’ll need a small brush, like an old (and clean!) toothbrush, or even a spoolie to scrub the teeth as well as the base of the brush. If you have a brush with a wood cable, skip the water-soaking part and go straight to scrubbing!
Make sure to infuse your hair with a nourishing conditioner or with a leave-in treatment. They work beautifully with a wet brush!

Professional Makeup Artist & Beauty Writer