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How to Use Elancyl to Reduce Cellulite at Home

How to Use Elancyl to Reduce Cellulite at Home

How to Use Elancyl to Reduce Cellulite at Home

It won’t surprise anyone if we tell you that cellulite is one of the main concerns of women, whatever their age. Although cellulite is a perfectly normal phenomenon (which derives from the accumulation of fat under the skin in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, and stomach), there are many women who would rather not have to deal with cellulite in their daily lives. That’s where brands like Elancyl come in.

With over 50 years of experience, Elancyl is a body care brand that specializes in slimming as well as anti-cellulite products. Widely known for its ever-evolving cellulite massagers, its melting textures, and its iconic fragrance, Elancyl offers women multiple solutions to combat cellulite.

Today, we’re going to get to know some of these products and understand how they fit into the brand’s philosophy. The Elancyl method combines three pillars in an all-encompassing approach against cellulite:

  • An exclusive anti-cellulite massage protocol;
  • Active ingredients of botanical origin;
  • A healthy lifestyle that promotes change from within.

On this post:

Elancyl My Coach!

In the current Elancyl lineup, the Elancyl My Coach! Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream should be the first product you consider for your anti-cellulite routine.

Specifically designed for active women, this product combines natural extracts of caffeine, ivy, and microalgae to create a smoothing, draining, and toning effect. With a formula inspired by the metabolism of athletes, the My Coach! cream boosts the effects of your daily physical activity. In short: the more active you are, the better your results will be!

The results are visible after seven days, with cellulite bumps appearing noticeably smoother; after 28 days, you will notice that your thighs are slimmer, as well as your silhouette.

You can complement the action of the My Coach! anti-cellulite cream (or, indeed, any other Elancyl product) with the My Coach! shower gel, which helps prepare the skin for more specialized care. With guarana extract, this shower gel has a fresh and invigorating formula, perfect for energizing both your body and mind.

How to use Elancyl My Coach!

Use Elancyl My Coach! Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream once a day, in the morning or evening. Make sure you massage the cream into the skin of the buttocks, hips, and thighs for at least one minute. The trick, as always, is to make upwards movements and to move from the outside of the body (say, the side of the thighs) towards the inside.

Elancyl Slimming Concentrate Gel + Massage Glove

If you’ve always wanted to try one of Elancyl‘s cellulite massagers, then the Elancyl Slimming Concentrate Gel is the product for you. Formulated with caffeine and ivy extract, this gel has an anti-cellulite and slimming effect that helps you achieve the silhouette you want.

Unlike other anti-cellulite products on this list, which are designed for application on dry skin, this gel is meant to be applied to damp skin, in the shower, using a specialized cellulite massager. Indeed, it’s all about the massager when using this product! With two rollers that move in different directions, this massager reproduces the professional massages that we know are the most effective against cellulite; this way, you don’t have to worry about perfecting the message technique on your own.

Dedicate 3 minutes a day to this massage, for 28 days, and you will see results!

How to use Elancyl Slimming Concentrate Gel + Massage Glove

The Elancyl cellulite massager may look a little intimidating, but take it from someone who’s used it: there’s nothing to it. Begin by placing the cannula of the Elancyl Slimming Concentrate Gel inside the orifice in your cellulite massager; then, dispense some product. Then, hold the massager firmly and use the rollers to massage the areas you want to target. (You can use either hand, it’s that user-friendly!)

Make sure to use the massager on damp skin, and to keep making movements from bottom to top and from the outside to the inside.

Elancyl Slim Design

For stubborn cellulite that can’t seem to go away, Elancyl recommends using Slim Design. This is a best-selling product that helps prevent and drain stored fats while you sleep.

This product is available in two versions–morning and evening–with different formulas. The morning formula features extracts of caffeine, Cecropia, and Floridzine. Also included in the formula are moisturizing ingredients (always a good option!) and pigments that help minimize the appearance of orange peel skin.

The evening formula is also rich in caffeine, but it also contains GP4G, a biotech molecule that promotes a draining effect while you sleep, and Xanthoxyline, a natural active that helps prevent the accumulation of fats. After just seven nights of using this product, you will see improvements in the appearance of cellulite and skin firmness; changes in your silhouette will then be visible after 28 days.

How to use Elancyl Slim Design

Whether you choose to use the morning or evening versions of Elancyl Slim Design (or both), the way to use them is the same. Place a small amount of product on the palm of your hand, then massage it into clean and dry skin using the same movements we’ve mentioned earlier: from bottom to top and from the outside to the inside.

Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Firming

When it comes to reducing cellulite and accumulated fat, some areas of the body prove more challenging than others: enter the stomach, hips, and arms. For these areas, Elancyl offers the ideal product: the Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Firming, with a formula that features caffeine, apple extract, and INSTENSYL™ (a film-forming ingredient that creates a tight “mesh” over the skin, creating an immediate firming effect).

The secret to the success of this product is its ability to offer, at the same time, a short-term and a long-term effect. The short-term effect, brought to you by INSTENSYL™, immediately firms the skin. Can you imagine a greater motivator to stick to your treatment? And that’s when the long-term effect kicks in, offering you visible slimming and firming benefits after just 14 days.

How to use Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Firming

The way you apply this product is similar to the way you apply other Elancyl creams and gels. Dispense a small amount of product onto the palm of your hand, and then massage it into the skin using upwards movements and moving from the outside to the inside. You can also add gentle “kneading” motions by pinching or squeezing the surface of the skin in the areas you want to treat.

Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Oil

Wherever there is a loss of weight, there tend to be stretch marks. Nobody enjoys this fact, but it’s important to deal with it as early as possible–indeed, stretch marks are better prevented, not corrected. If you are at a stage in life when you are experiencing weight loss and want to reduce cellulite and prevent stretch marks, the Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Oil is ideal for your needs.

With a biphase texture, this oil combines two different products in one. On the one hand, the “water” phase promotes the elimination of lipids, due to the combined action of caffeine and ivy extract; on the other hand, the “oil” phase, composed of camelina oil, reduces the appearance of recent stretch marks.

A few daily sprays of this oil (and a massage, of course) are enough to achieve smoother skin after just 14 days. After 28 days, you will also notice a visible improvement in the appearance of stretch marks.

How to use Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Oil

Before using your Elancyl Slim Design Slimming Oil, shake it well in order to mix the two phases. Once that’s done, spray the product directly onto clean and dry skin. Apply a firm massage, using upwards motions moving from the outside to the inside.

We’ve already covered five of the most effective anti-cellulite products from the Elancyl brand, but there are many more to explore! Explore our full selection of Elancyl products in the shop, and good luck on your anti-cellulite journey!

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