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How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: The Full Guide

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: The Full Guide

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: The Full Guide

If cellulite is a concern for you, we bring both good and bad news. Let’s start with the good: there’s a lot you can do to fight it! From lifestyle choices to targeted cosmetics, you can find endless products and habits that reduce cellulite. The bad news is that it might not be easy to completely eliminate it or to get rid of cellulite for good. You may achieve good results, but if you are determined to keep the look, then you’ll need to continue with the efforts.

To the questions “are cosmetics enough to reduce cellulite?”, or “can we fight cellulite just by changing our habits?”, our answer is: let’s try to use both to our advantage!

On this post:

What is the cause of cellulite?

We all think we know what cellulite is, but do we really? What is cellulite, after all?

Scientifically speaking, cellulite is a “skin condition that manifests as dimples and depressions, producing an uneven surface to the skin.” If you know the expressions “mattress skin”, “cottage cheese skin”, or “orange peel” skin, you know exactly what that description means.

Cellulite tends to appear in areas of greater fat storage, such as the thighs, buttocks, and hips. Why does it appear, though? Well, there are plenty of causes: some are genetic, some are structural, and some are lifestyle-related. A diet rich in carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption can be considered risk factors.

Is it possible to get rid of cellulite?

Now, let’s talk treatment: can you treat cellulite? That depends on what you mean by “treat”. Recent studies recognize that, although there are plenty of available treatments, “[their efficacy] is unpredictable and improvements in cellulite appearance are short lived”. In short: not everyone reacts the same to cellulite treatments, and even those who see significant improvements can’t quite count on them lasting forever.

When it comes to the treatments available for cellulite, they range from the least invasive (topical treatments, such as creams and lotions) to the surgical, such as subcision.

Topical treatments, such as creams and lotions, are the oldest and most popular treatments for cellulite, and studies suggest they may actually offer reasonable results in reducing thigh circumference. As far as their composition, these products mostly contain a combination of active ingredients, the most common of which are caffeine, retinol, and various botanical extracts. One of the key aspects of these products is that they must be applied through a vigorous massage on the affected areas. This is no coincidence, as massage itself is, according to studies, “one of the oldest methods to treat cellulite that works by stimulating lymphatic drainage, thereby addressing the underlying impaired microcirculation and drainage deficiencies associated with cellulite.”

How to improve the look of cellulite with lifestyle changes

Since we cannot change our genetics (at least, not yet!), there are some lifestyle choices that may improve the appearance of our skin. In addition, these choices often boost the performance of topical treatments, working hand in hand to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

1. Exercise regularly

Practicing sports not only helps to improve your overall health and body condition but also improves blood flow. For these reasons, sports are a premium ally when fighting cellulite.

We understand that life is busy and it’s really difficult to bring in a new habit. If you’re going to introduce yourself to exercising, all you need to do is to find out which type of activity you love the most and find the materials and/or tutoring needed to start. Make it regular and you’re on the right track for the main goal.
If you can’t find a way to take about 30 minutes of your day to work out, we still have suggestions on how to move your body without much trouble:

  • Choose the stairs instead of the elevator;
  • Park your car further away from your errands;
  • Contract the muscles of the glutes and legs while doing some standing chores, like cooking or ironing;
  • If you have kids, take some time to play outside. We promise they will love it too!

You shouldn’t settle for these tips! We challenge you to be more creative than us and try to find some extra hacks and add some simple exercises to your already existing routines.

2. Eat healthy

We’re not suggesting adopting any wild or trendy diets, or even changing your diet drastically. Our advice would be to try reducing overprocessed sources of fat and sugar, while also increasing your intake of fruits and veggies. And, of course, don’t forget to drink your water! It would be incredibly challenging to provide general advice that would match your personal needs. If you’re really interested in changing your eating habits for the better, you may look for professional advice to find the best options for you.

Knowing that cellulite is caused by fatty tissue, you might find some similarities between weight loss recommendations and our suggestions on how to reduce cellulite. Even though cellulite makes appearances on all body types and shapes, reducing fatty tissue might be of great assistance in improving the results.

3. Avoid hot showers or baths

Hot water is not good for your blood flow. If you go for colder water, it may improve not only blood flow but also firmness. If you’re not a fan of lower temperatures, try to finish your shower with a flush of cold water in the affected areas. It may be of great assistance and it’s certainly easier than a full cold-water shower.

4. Stay clear of tight jeans and shoes

Tight garments are a well-known enemy of good blood flow, so they’re automatically an enemy of cellulite as well. If you’re a fan of that look, try to go for soft and flexible fabrics that won’t feel as tight as they look.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite: The Full Guide

The best cellulite treatments to try at home

It takes tremendous effort to get rid of cellulite! The struggle is real and involves continuous effort and long-term commitment. Luckily for us, the market is full of products that qualify to be our right arm in fighting the orange-peel look. Make sure to boost your full body skincare routine in order to get the best out of your treatment.

Lierac Body Sculpt The Cryoactive Concentrate

The 28-day cellulite treatment

From the versatile Lierac Body care range comes a potent combination of actives, featuring caffeine together with a WTB patented system, targets fat-storing cells, contributing to eliminating fat. It feels incredibly refreshing on the skin and provides visible results when used daily for, at least, 28 days.

While applying the product, massage the product vigorously to further improve the results. Day after day, it not only reduces cellulite but also leaves the skin feeling soft and firmer.


The cellulite cream + supplement duo

Cosmetics by definition have a topical action, carrying out their action on the surface. With the complete Cellulase treatment, you may say “goodbye cellulite” by fighting it from the inside as well as from the outside. As we know, cellulite originates in the fatty tissue underlying the skin dermis, so a dietary supplement may be a smart addition to your exfoliating and targeted creams.

This complete approach leaves cellulite no chance but to take a step back: the food supplement combines green tea, Coleus forskohlii, Melilotus officinalis, and Aesculus hippocastanum with Centella asiatica and turmeric to reduce fat accumulation and, ultimately, reduce cellulite. Then, the Cellulase Firming Cream 3-in-1 enters the scene packed with caffeine and Vitamin E, golden and pearly particles to reduce cellulite in as short as 28 days while improving the appearance of the skin.

Elancyl Activ’ Slimming Massage Gel + Massage Glove

The iconic Elancyl cellulite massager

Your hands may be of great assistance to get rid of cellulite. But make no mistake, this is not a relaxing massage! A good and strong massage of the gel with the massaging accessory over damp skin stimulates your microcirculation, improving blood flow, thus contributing to get rid of the most persistent cellulite. When it comes to the formula, it contains caffeine and ivy extract, promoting the elimination of excess fat from the body all the while improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

After rinsing off and patting the skin dry, you may follow with Elancyl My Coach! Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream to further improve the results.

Collistar Body Anticellulite

The morning & evening ritual

Give no rest to your cellulite with this duo for morning and evening body care. Inspired by cryotherapy, Collistar Body Anticellulite Cryo-Gel presents a lightweight and incredibly refreshing texture that instantly lifts the skin. With a blend of alpha-hydroxy acids, Centella asiatica, pink pepper and caffeine, it acts on fat deposits and reduces cellulite.

You may use Collistar Body Anticellulite Cryo-Gel morning and evening, or combine it with Collistar Body Anticellulite Draining Gel-Mud. This revolutionary Anticellulite Draining Gel-Mud features Cosmetic Drone Technology™, a unique complex that releases encapsulated Coccoloba Uvifera extracta—a powerful lipolytic active—inside the adipose cells, reducing the size of adipocytes and the accumulation of fat. When combining both, use the last in the morning and save the Cryo-Gel freshness to the evening and refresh the legs after a long day.

Somatoline Cosmetic Anti-Cellulite Cryoactive Gel

The anti-cellulite gel with a cooling effect

Containing actives that help in the reduction of fat deposits, such as caffeine, this gel targets localized fat and cellulite on the arms, legs and glutes.

Thanks to cryo technology, the formula feels fresh from the first application and absorbs quickly while leaving the incredibly soft. Apply it morning and evening to improve body contour and cellulite.

Check out our website in order to find our complete offer of cellulite treatments! There you can find not only targeted creams but also capsules, ampoules and other complementary products that can perform true improvements on your skin.

All cosmetics at your fingertips.
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